Mice are credited for being the reason behind the invention of the typical Galician elevated barn known as 'Horreo'. Soft toy, measures approx. 4.3'' (11cm)
Obelix, the famous Galician hero (...or was he actually a Gaul???). Thousands of Galician children grew up reading the Celtic cousin's adventures. Soft toy, measures approx. 5.9''x6.3'' (15x16cm)
In Galician folklore, the Bat is linked to the night and the underworldSoft toy, measures approx. 10'' (25cm)
The Blue Tit is one of Galicia's most beautiful and colourful birds. Soft toy with real bird call, measures approx. 6.7'' (17cm)
The Robin is a common resident breeder in Galicia's Celtic rainforest, as well as in parkland and gardens. Soft toy with real bird call, measures approx. 6.7'' (17cm)
The Goldfinch is know for its pleasant tinkling medley of trills and twitters. Soft toy with real bird call, measures approx. 6.7'' (17cm)
The Swallow is an elegant bird which was considered a protector of the Galician home. Soft toy with real bird call, measures approx. 6.7'' (17cm)
One of the most widely distributed wild birds in Galicia, the Sparrow is strongly associated with human habitations. Soft toy with real bird call, measures approx. 6.7'' (17cm)
The pig is one of the icons of the Galician countryside, its farming culture and gastronomy. Soft toy, measures approx. 7.8'' (20cm)
One of Galicia's most peculiar crustaceans, Hermit Crabs live alone in a cave-like shell, a bit like the old hermits at the Isle of St Michael of Coelleira. Soft toy, measures 7.9'' (20cm)
With their small eyes, pointed snout and small legs, the Galicians find the hedgehog to be one of the cutest wild animals in the country. Soft toy, measures approx. 3.9'' (10cm)
The mallard is the most common wild duck species in Galicia. Soft toy with an authentic bird call, measures approx. 6.7'' (17cm)
Octopus is one of the most famous dishes in Galician cuisine. Every typical county fair in Galicia always has a booth for Octopus. Soft toy, measures approx. 11.8''x11.8'' (30x30cm)
Easy to keep and a great source of food, hens were the most popular domestic animal in the country. Soft toy, measures approx. 7'' (18cm)
The red squirrel is a likeable animal found in both coniferous forest and temperate broadleaf woodlands. Soft toy, measures approx. 6.7'' (17cm)
In Galician folklore the owl is often associated with witchcraft. Soft toy, measures approx. 7.9'' (20cm)
The rabbit is one of the most common animals in the Galician countryside. Soft toy, measures approx. 7.9'' (20cm)
Frogs are amphibians, which means they typically live on land but breed underwater. Soft toy, measures approx. 6'' (15cm)
Cachena cattle are an ancient breed of cattle from southern Galicia. Soft toy, measures approx. 13.7'' (35cm)
In Galician folklore the owl is often associated with witchcraft. Soft toy, measures approx. 11.8'' (30cm)
Playful, intelligent and inquisitive, otters are a common sight in Galician rivers. Soft toy, measures approx. 15.7'' (40cm)
The Common Dolphin is Galicia's typical dolphin species. Soft toy, measures approx. 13.7'' (35cm)
Badgers are found all across Galicia, and most particularly in deciduous forests. Soft toy, measures approx. 11.8''x5.9'' (30x15cm)
The cat is a typical pet in the Galician country home. Soft toy, measures approx. 7.9'' (20cm)
The fox is one of Galicia's most iconic animals. Soft toy, measures approx. 9.8''x7.9'' (25x20cm)
The chamois is a goat-antelope species which live at high altitudes and are adapted to living in steep, rugged, rocky terrain. Soft toy, measures approx. 10.2'' (26cm)
One of the most popular charges in Galician heraldry, the boar is also the main character in the most watched children's TV show in Galicia: Xabarín Club. Soft toy, measures approx. 11.8'' (30cm)
Traditionally, every farm and croft in Galicia used to have their own sheep and lamb. Soft toy, measures approx. 12'' (30cm)
With their long neck and thin legs, the deer is considered to be the most elegant wild animal in Galicia. Soft toy, measures approx. 12'' (30cm)
Fried squid ia a popular dish in Galicia, which you often find on the restaurant menu as fried "calamares". Soft toy, measures approx. 11.8'' (30cm)
The donkey is one of the most useful and hard-working animals in the Galician countryside. Soft toy, measures approx. 10.2'' (26cm)
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