Bring a piece of Galicia into your home with our finest quality posters: Old maps of Galicia, vintage photographs, landscapes, art prints... Click on "Maps", "Art", "Landscapes", or see our full catalogue below.
For some additional ideas on how to give a Galician touch to your home, please visit the sections "Home" and "Music".
High quality reproduction of the 1513 "Triumphzug Kaiser Maximilians" (Triumphal March of Emperor Maximilian) featuring the Arms of the Kingdom of Galicia. Available in three sizes: A2, B2 and A1.
High quality reproduction of Pompa Funebris Caroli V (Funeral Procession of Emperor Charles V) featuring the Flag of the Kingdom of Galicia. Print made by Joannes van Doetecum in 1559. Available in two sizes: A2 and B2.
High quality reproduction of a 1883 photo of Corunna lighthouse, linked to the Gaelic conquest of Ireland. Available in three sizes: A2, B2 and A1.
High quality reproduction of a 1910 photo of Cebreiro village, Galician Highlands, linked to the Pilgrimage to Santiago and the Arthurian quest for the Holy Grail. Available in three sizes: A2, B2 and A1.
Quality print of the 1849 painting "Pórtico de la Gloria de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela", by Galician painter Jenaro Pérez Villaamil. Available in two sizes: A2 and B2.
High quality reproduction of a 1889 photo of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Available in five sizes: A2, B2, A1, B1 and A0.
Broadside chart of Maritime Flags, published in New York by Charles Copley in 1851. Features the Ensign of the Kingdom of Galicia. Available in three sizes: A2, B2 and A1.
The Celtic Sea from space, satellite photo. Available in three sizes: A2, B2 and A1.
High quality reproduction of Giacomo Cantelli's 1696 map Il Regno di Galicia (The Kingdom of Galicia). Available in five sizes: A2, B2, A1, B1 and A0.
High quality reproduction of Nicolas de Fer's 1708 map Le Royaume de Galice (The Kingdom of Galicia). Available in three sizes (A2, B2 and A1).
High quality reproduction of William Shepherd's 1922 Historical Atlas showing Europe and the Kingdom of Galicia and its main cities. Available in five sizes: A2, B2, A1, B1 and A0.
High quality reproduction of Fernando Ojea's 1603 map Descripcion del Reyno de Galizia (A Description of the Kingdom of Galicia). Available in three sizes: A2, B2, and A1.
High quality reproduction of Fernando Ojea's map Gallaecia Regnum (Kingdom of Galicia), printed in the Netherlands in 1640. Available in five sizes: A2, B2, A1, B1 and A0.
Title page of the royal decree authorising the Trading Company of the Kingdom of Galicia, 1734. Available in three sizes: A2, B2, and A1.
High quality reproduction of the 1735 plan "An Exact Draught of the Bay and Harbour of Vigo", showing the naval Battle of Vigo Bay (or Battle of Rande). Available in five sizes: A2, B2, A1, B1 and A0.
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