
Historic Maps of Galicia

Royaume de Galice 1708 Poster Print

Price: 21,00 €

High quality reproduction of Nicolas de Fer's 1708 map Le Royaume de Galice (The Kingdom of Galicia). Available in three sizes (A2, B2 and A1).

Galicia and Europe in 486 Poster Print

Price: 21,00 €

High quality reproduction of William Shepherd's 1922 Historical Atlas showing Europe and the Kingdom of Galicia and its main cities. Available in five sizes: A2, B2, A1, B1 and A0.

Kingdom of Galicia 1603 Poster Print

Price: 21,00 €

High quality reproduction of Fernando Ojea's 1603 map Descripcion del Reyno de Galizia (A Description of the Kingdom of Galicia). Available in three sizes: A2, B2, and A1.

Kingdom of Galicia 1640 Poster Print

Price: 21,00 €

High quality reproduction of Fernando Ojea's map Gallaecia Regnum (Kingdom of Galicia), printed in the Netherlands in 1640. Available in five sizes: A2, B2, A1, B1 and A0.

The Maritime Flags of All Nations 1851 Poster Print

Price: 21,00 €

Broadside chart of Maritime Flags, published in New York by Charles Copley in 1851. Features the Ensign of the Kingdom of Galicia. Available in three sizes: A2, B2 and A1.

Regno di Galicia 1696 Poster Print

Price: 21,00 €

High quality reproduction of Giacomo Cantelli's 1696 map Il Regno di Galicia (The Kingdom of Galicia). Available in five sizes: A2, B2, A1, B1 and A0.

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