
The Sporran is a pouch that serves as a pocket and wallet for any necessary personal items when wearing a Kilt. The sporran hangs just below the belt buckle and is worn to the front of the kilt.

Kids' Sporran

Price: 19,00 €

Small black leather sporran for Kids.

Leather Sporran

Price: 27,26 €

Black leather sporran to dress with kilt.

Crecente Knotwork Sporran

Price: 27,26 €

Black leather sporran embossed with Galician knotwork designs from Crecente Celtic hillfort (Co.Paradanta).

Sporran embossed with Knotwork

Price: 28,92 €

Black leather sporran embossed with knotwork designs.

Sporran with Metal Studs

Price: 28,92 €

Black leather sporran embossed with knotwork designs and metal studs.

Gallaecia Sporran

Price: 36,36 €

Black leather sporran lined with Gallaecia tartan and with a Swabian golden dragon on the flap.

Castrelos Fur Sporran

Price: 36,36 €

White fur sporran embossed with a sixfoil design from Saint Mary of Castrelos Church (Co.Vigo).

Oza Sixfoil Fur Sporran

Price: 36,36 €

Brown fur sporran with black leather flap embossed with a sixfoil design from Mazarelos (Co.Betanzos).

Melide Knotwork Grey Fur Sporran

Price: 38,43 €

Grey fur sporran with knotwork artwork from St Maria de Melide church in Melide, Co.Melide, on the Way of St James.

Compostella Knotwork White Fur Sporran

Price: 38,83 €

White fur sporran with knotwork designs from the Cathedral of St James of Compostella (Co.Santiago).

Compostella Knotwork Grey Fur Sporran

Price: 38,83 €

Galician Blue grey sporran with knotwork designs from the Cathedral of St James of Compostella (Co.Santiago).

Compostella Knotwork Black Fur Sporran

Price: 38,83 €

Black fur sporran with knotwork designs from the Cathedral of St James of Compostella (Co.Santiago).

Promotion: Gallaecia Kilt Set

Price: 76,85 €

Promotion includes kilt Gallaecia + Highland shirt + sporran.

Promotion: Galician Football Kilt Set

Price: 78,61 €

Promotion includes casual kilt Gallaecia + Galician football shirt + sporran.

Promotion: Black Watch Kilt Set

Price: 79,33 €

Promotion includes Black Watch Kilt + Highland shirt + Sporran.

Promotion: Royal Stewart Kilt Set

Price: 79,33 €

Promotion includes Royal Stewart Kilt + Highland shirt + Sporran.

Promotion: Galician Rugby Kilt Set

Price: 83,61 €

Promotion includes kilt Gallaecia + Galicia rugby shirt + sporran.

Promotion: Kilt Black Watch - Full Regalia

Price: 152,88 €

Promotion includes Kilt Black Watch + Highland shirt + Sporran + Fly Plaid + Leather Belt + Belt Buckle + Kilt Hose + Kilt Flashes + Kilt Pin + Curtis Celtic Knotwork Brooch

Promotion: Kilt Royal Stewart - Full Regalia

Price: 152,88 €

Promotion includes Kilt Royal Stewart + Highland shirt + Sporran + Fly Plaid + Leather Belt + Belt Buckle + Kilt Hose + Kilt Flashes + Kilt Pin + Curtis Celtic Knotwork Brooch

Promotion: Kilt Gallaecia - Full Regalia

Price: 155,36 €

Promotion includes Kilt Gallaecia + Highland shirt + Sporran + Fly Plaid + Leather Belt + Belt Buckle + Kilt Hose + Kilt Flashes + Kilt Pin + Curtis Celtic Knotwork Brooch

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