Eume Blue Tit with real bird call

Eume Blue Tit

Price: 10,74 €

Blue Tit soft toy with real bird call, measures approx. 6.7'' (17cm)

Known in Galician as Ferreiriño, the Blue Tit is one of Galicia's most beautiful and colourful birds.

The Blue Tit is a common resident breeder in deciduous and mixed woodlands such as in the Eume Natural Park in Co. Eume, in the north-west of the country. They are quite agile and clever birds, and they are often seen in gardens or around the fields eating insects and seeds.

In the Galician folklore it was believed that Blue Tits sang as a forecast of rain.

This is a cuddly, singing soft toy with an authentic digitally reproduced bird call. This lovely Blue Tit simply neds a squeeze and you can listen to his call. Perfect for story-telling and imagination play by bird-loving children and adults alike.

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