Small Gold Plated Victory Cross with Stones
Small Gold Plated Victory Cross with Stones Small Gold Plated Victory Cross with Stones

Small Gold Plated Victory Cross with Stones

Price: 24,99 €

Product details:
» Reproduction of the Victory Cross, made in 908 AD by king Alfonso the Third. A benefactor of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, the king donated one Cross to the Cathedral of Santiago and another to the Cathedral of Oviedo in Asturias. In 1906 thieves stole the Galician copy of the Cross from the Cathedral of St James, which was never found again. The other surviving copy of the Cross remains in the Cathedral of Oviedo. Since December 1990, the flag of Asturias bears the Victory Cross offset towards the hoist.
» Made in silver, gold plated (0.3 micron) and embedded with colourful zircon stones imitating the original Cross.
» Size: 25 x 17mm (0.98 x 0.66 in).
» The pendant comes with a gold plated silver chain.
» Ideal to be worn on special days. Gold plated jewellery can tarnish and wear down as it doesn't handle rough exposure well (don't wear it on the beach, swimming pool, shower...). Keep it away from water and sunlight and your gold plated jewellery will remain bright and shite for several years.

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