Product details: » High quality reproduction of a 1910 photo of Cebreiro village, County Ancares, on Galicia's eastern Highlands. » Cebreiro is one of the most important shrines in Galicia as well as in the whole pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela. The region is also linked to the Arthurian quest for the Holy Grail, which features on Galicia's national coat of arms and historical flag. This part of the Galician Highlands is also known for their traditional thatched roundhouses, which were once widespread across the Celtic nations and parts of England.
This poster is available in three sizes: » 59 x 42 cm (A2) (23.2'' x 16.5'') » 70 x 50 cm (B2) (27.5'' x 19.6'') » 84 x 59 cm (A1) (33.4'' x 23.6'')